Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Sharp Life

We are The Sharps. We live a simpler life. We work hard to love our neighbours. We desire to lead from our knees and raise kids with servant hearts. All of this makes us a bit strange by 1st world standards.

To push the comfort zone further, we strive to live the homesteading lifestyle. We strive to grow & raise the majority of our food and shop ethically (local, fairtrade, organic, recycle).

We aren't all bonnets and long skirts. We are jeans, ball caps, and the odd tiara...sadly.

We hope to bring the simpler lifestyle back into fashion. We want the nearly forgotten arts of home preserves, rustic baking, wholistic farming, & knitting to be reawakened. We strive to inspire.

This is The Sharp Life:
Live simply. Love wholly.  Serve humbly.
Embrace your weirdness ~ just as Jesus did.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10, NLT)