Monday, November 14, 2016

Good bye 30's

Turning 40 has always been a dreaded thing for me...not sure why... I think it is because someone put 40 pink flamingos on my mom's lawn for her 40th... seemed like 40 was a joke...and I don't want to be a joke.

So here I am, thirty-nine and three quarters...wondering if I am ready to be forty...hoping my 40s aren't seen as a joke... praying my 40s are full of opportunity...dreaming that my 40s will be filled with the joy I feel right now, today.

Being that my crystal ball has been broken since I had children, I can't say what my 40's will hold, but I do know that, at 39, I am more confident, joyful, and content than I have ever been.  I know God loves me. I have a crazy family that supports each other (and my crazy ideas). My husband and I love eachother deeper than I ever thought possible. And i have a pet pig. Life isn't boring at 39.

As I close out my 30's I look back and see my youth, my naivete, my hard headed nature... my pretty skin, figure, and hair...I also see diapers, nap schedules, and tantrums... all great moments and lessons...

When I look ahead into my 40's it is so adventurous. Greg and I have never shied away from a challenge nor accepted the boring and mundane. God has a plan and, although it may not be my plan is can guarantee it will not be boring or a joke.